
Travel & Transport
10€ discount
6% discount
Get 7% off your printing
Food & Drink
free entrance until 24 and beer for 2€ every day
Dresden, Germany
Culture & Leisure
2,50€ for a small beer, 6,00€ for all longdrinks, 4,00€ entrance fee on Saturdays, 3,00€ entrance fee on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (cloakroom included + 2€ voucher)
Freiburg, Germany
Food & Drink
10% on everything - every day!
Freiburg, Germany
Culture & Leisure
free entry until 23:30, Radeberger 2€, Wodka mixes 5 €
Dresden, Germany
Culture & Leisure
Vouchers & free drinks!
Freiburg, Germany